Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Canada Goose - Totem Bird of the Week

The totem bird of the week for 2nd January 2019 to 9th January 2019 is the Canada Goose.

Morningstar offers this meaning for Goose medicine: : "To carry Goose medicine is to carry the energy of the journey of the great quest, to set a high goal and find the right ways to navigate towards it. Goose also comes to teach us how to navigate the greatest turbulence in our lives as well as how to make greater headway when things are going well.

Geese are amazing birds, especially when it comes to migrating. The lead Goose when it tires will fall back within the flock and another Goose will take its place as navigator. This indicates that we too need to pay attention to when we are tired and to allow others to take the lead for a time if we are one is in need of rest and rejuvenation. 

If any Geese are injured or become ill during their flight and descend to the earth, their mate or another Goose, if the bird is without a mate, will follow and remain with them until the fallen bird either recovers or dies. 

No Goose is ever left to die on its own and this too is a reminder for us that we are never alone, Spirit and the Universe are always with us. 

For those that have this bird as a totem, its a strong indication that you too need to be extremely loyal to those things and people in your life that you feel a strong bond or connection with and to be sure that those you allow close to you are also loyal to you" more>>>...