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Sunday 6 January 2019

The Microwaved Generation - It's Too Late Now

We're going into only the 2nd week of 2019, and already its being made pretty clear what type of nightmare we are heading into over the next 2 years. The full extent of it is not yet evident, but clearly we are in for a 'spot of bother'. 

Intuitively, the sense is of imminent panic for those of us who have awakened, and have a better sense of what is going on. For those who have totally bought into the wonderful technological world of the 21st century enchantment, they haven't a clue what is coming, and will be sitting ducks!

Sadly they will willingly walk into the human-machine interfaces; take on board the increasing loss of freedom; just so long as they have their smart phones; laptops, tablets, smart TV's and all the other gadgets that are keeping them in the rapture. They will go down as the 'Microwaved Generation'.

They cannot be saved, if they are lost now. It will only get worse and worse and worse. 5G being rolled out in Europe is a real worry. It means The Hidden Hand's agenda is very much the snowball rolling. It cannot be stopped. They have the A.I 'wonders' all ready and waiting for introduction because they are impatient. They want our numbers reduced drastically so its easier to control us; they then want to totally destroy our environment so we can't survive on the earth so they can then spring their coup d'etat  ... their ultimate problem-reaction-solution. The new virtual reality world we can all upload our consciousness into.

Sorry, but I won't be personally doing that. I have no fear about what lies beyond this virtual reality. I've been into other dimensions and know for a fact they exist. I've had thousands of credible connections with other dimensions over the years; seen beings from other dimensions; had incredible things happen that are supernatural in origin. So I know this is not all there is! There is, for me, not threat from these psychotic morons that want us gone from this world.

The best policy, seriously, and it will sound far fetched to many of us, is to UN-THINK them. By thinking about them and what they are going to do to us, we are creating a sound wave frequency that helps to keep them and their weird agenda in existence. They need our thoughts to manifest their evils. By ceasing to think about them, we cut off that sound wave --- so in theory those waveforms made by our thoughts cease to be created. Get my drift? By thinking about all this shit, we let it come into manifestation. By not thinking about it ... a long shot maybe?

But we've got to do something. Our brains are lobotomised; our DNA won't permit us to rebel. We are sitting ducks. And we only have ourselves to blame. 5G is the threshold that is the beginning of the end. They need that network fully functioning around the world ... to bring in the A.I and the virtual world.