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Saturday 2 February 2019

This Crazy World Summed Up In A Nutshell

We exist in a construct world created by sound waves; our thoughts helping to manifest or solidify those sound waves. If we were permitted to think freely this world would be a completely different reality to what it is. But we can't think freely.

There is a bunch of psychotic madmen, we call The World Elite, who want us to think a world they want. 

And these World Elite have permitted their own thoughts to be harnessed, and corrupted by a sub-reality electronic alien race we call The Hidden Hand.

That just about sums this manifest world up in a sentence or too. We are also bombarded with impressions, distractions, mind images broadcast directly, and indirectly, into our awareness by this same Hidden Hand. They are desperate for us to think into being the reality they want us to be in. This is why this construct world is falling apart at the seams. The master programmers, The Transparent Ones, must be in some disarray at the way this construct world is turning out. We know all of this is a training program for the original Atlan incarnates, and their descendants. That was the original intention of this construct world. But, did they reckon on the increased pressure exerted by descendants of the Sons Of Belial?

It's certainly a difficult place to be in. It's hard to know what is fact and what is fantasy. It's also hard to know what your own thoughts are, and what have been planted there by the sub-reality pirates. It's also very frustrating to be told what to eat, what to wear, what to think, what to look like, and what to have in your life. We refer to the images on the silver screen and the daily bilge that is transmitted into our front rooms. Its also a reference to the utter bollocks that is on the internet these days. The deliberate fake news and disinformation that is out there.

No wonder we are in the state we are in. There is an awakening happening, that is fact. There is also something major afoot in the construct universe around us. That is also a fact. It is influencing our thoughts and our perceptions. Its hard to say if this is a good or a bad thing. But its happening. It's not easy to know for sure what we should be thinking or how to act. Remember there is a pile of toxic shit in what we eat, what we drink and what we breathe. That is also clearly going to be rewriting the DNA that instructs us on what to think and how to be.

And with 5G its only going to get harder. But the thing is, most puzzles and most mazes have a way out. Let's hope there is a way out of this construct universe.