Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 5 March 2019

The Baby That Spit The Dummy

That which was once hidden, now appears to be very much on the surface. There for all to see; except for those mesmerised by the Demon known as Technology.

It's just about everywhere now, as The Hidden Hand appears to be desperate. That's what it appears to be ... perhaps? A predator stalking its prey like we've said before?

Or something else?

Human society is being totally dismantled in virtually every aspect. Its cornerstones are being ripped apart. And the Techno devotees - those mesmerised by all those wonderful advances - their latest android phone; their WiFi active car; their Smart Washing machines; their A.I this and that - fail to see anything wrong with the world. Those who fight to create fake news and push the psychopathic agendas ... vaccinations, transgender, anti-Semitic (We dare to say them!) plus the distractions of wars and Brexit; the crazy notion put forward that the decrease in police numbers in the UK has nothing to do with increased knife crime ... all of it is creating chaos.

It's all in the mix and out there. The conspiracy theories are being proven correct; but the truth is now being censored so quickly.


Because we know about what is hidden and The Hidden Hand is desperate to shoot or nuke the elephant in the room. Mankind IS waking up; mankind has a helping hand somewhere ... but where? None of this is really as it seems. We're pulled into a false perception. We're in a narrowing frequency range of thinking. STEP BACK from it by laughing your cotton socks off at the pathetic and petulant Hidden Hand. See it for what it is ... the baby that's spitting out the dummy.

Realise ... we are coming back from 2-0 down at half time ... !!! Meaning, we the human race are not out of it yet by a long way. So the internet is getting censored. WE EXISTED WITHOUT THE INTERNET. We don't actually need it to get the information out. We don't need the technology thrust in our grasp ... really!