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Tuesday 2 April 2019

Spanish government trying to ban acupuncture plus other forms of ‘alternative’ medicine

David Icke: Is it P.C. culture? Is it pushback from big pharma and their powerful lobbyists? Who really knows why the attempt to stifle alternative medicine is so strong. But, the simple reality is that, this is a growing problem the global community must contend with.

To be clear: just because something is marketed as ‘alternative’ (or natural) medicine doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe or effective. But, governmental attempts to block public access to services like acupuncture is an enormously unwise overstep – something that the Spanish government recently enacted.

They banned what? Spanish government tries to prevent public access to alternative medicine

In a jaw-dropping move resembling a mix between censorship and blatant pharmaceutical-favoritism, the Spanish government recently took steps to outright ban “natural medicine” in health centers around the country. This appears to be in direct response to a recent plea from conventional scientists who scathingly accused practitioners of misleading ill patients.

In a letter to Spanish health minister María Luisa Carcedo Roces, these scientists also cited a few high profile deaths of cancer patients who opted to pursue alternative medicine techniques, relying on emotional currency to advance their agenda.

The glaring problem is that the Spanish government doesn’t clearly define what they mean by ‘natural medicine.’ However, they’re more than willing to include acupuncture in their proposed ban – a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has its earliest roots to at least 100 more>>>...