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Thursday 2 May 2019

Isn’t Now The Best Time To Stop The Real Fake News About Measles-Mania?

[David Icke]: When will the “Pinocchio” syndrome in the news media stop?

What’s the Pinocchio syndrome, you may be asking?

Just take an extremely careful look at the two images; it will become quite obvious to all that photoshopped ‘measles’ apparently have been superimposed on to the second photo. That sort of news reporting – graphic visual lies – should scare the living daylights out of everyone who counts on the six-corporate-controlled media platforms in the USA to get their ‘news’ information about any issue, but especially about rigidly-controlled vaccine/vaccination ‘news’, issues and police state enforcement actions.

Carefully count how many times the ‘measles’ pustules have the exact same outline configurations over the infant’s body. Measles don’t look like that—believe me! I had measles as a kid in the 1940s and I remember them with fond memories, especially the itching and: No school for a week, plus I could eat anything I wanted, just so I would eat and keep hydrated. Moms knew back then how to take care of measles that no MD knows how to today. Really! What’s happened since Moms’ Measles Medicine?

Who contrives and publishes fake news? Haven’t we seen and heard enough with regard to RussiaGate dossiers and ‘leaks’ to realize our thoughts and emotions are being played like a fiddle while “Rome is burning”

Big Pharma restructured (or rewired) the human immune system using aluminum-adjuvant-containing vaccines and other toxic chemicals, so that humans must keep getting life-long Big Pharma’s booster shots, since very few humans now have normally active natural, innate (cellular) immune systems functioning as Mother Nature and our Creator provided.

What I can’t understand is why anyone would want to take vaccination booster shots for their entire life with all the attenuating adverse health events that become more likely with each vaccine one receives.

Can you imagine what we have to look forward to when they want to make us into transhumanism beings or Internet-of-Things cyborgs? Is forced vaccination a ‘trial run’ at how well ‘sheeple’ will accept forced directives leading up to supposed technological, computer-interfaced human prototypes? more>>>...