Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 4 July 2019

A Question for The Light Of Truth Oracle

So, we posed an interesting question before choosing three Light Of Truth Oracle cards.

The Three cards are shown right; 'Purpose', 'Tree of Life' and 'The Ego'.

We won't reveal the question until all the meanings have been analysed.

Insight Meanings
Purpose - “It's time to realise you truly know what you know. Any sense of doubt or confusion must be left far behind. Now is the time to share your views and your insights with others. To let others see your strength and your determination. What is perceived by you at this time should exist beyond the judgment of others. Now is the time to act upon your viewpoint.”

Tree of Life - “We are all spiritual consciousness within a virtual reality matrix, experiencing a series of physical existences. However, this does not lessen the effects of experiencing the pain of a mortal being living a mortal life. Your true self is dependent on you as its ambassador here on Earth. It requires you to permit it to experience this life to the very full. Whether good or bad.”

The Ego - “How do people see you at this time? How do you react to the surroundings
that are around you? A truthful reaction is what you seek … consult your inner self for the answer. Do not rely on the acceptance or judgment of others to govern how you react to your current surroundings. Falseness shines a false light. You seek the light of truth.  I am the
hand at the wheel who steers you through this material life. I can be false or true … be warned”

It is clearly marked out there with 'It's time to realise you truly know what you know. Any sense of doubt or confusion must be left far behind. Now is the time to share your views and your insights with others';  'We are all spiritual consciousness within a virtual reality matrix, experiencing a series of physical existences' and 'A truthful reaction is what you seek … consult your inner self for the answer. Do not rely on the acceptance or judgment of others to govern how you react to your current surroundings. Falseness shines a false light.'

Thus, it is time to do our own research into matters at hand, and not rely on the viewpoints and opinions of others. Yes, we are in a virtual reality and technically whatever happens is make believe, but it is to be experienced good or bad. And taken on its merits. There is a large degree of disinformation and deliberate BS to hide the truth from plain sight. But the research is there; as is the real threat. There are too many signs and indications that something sinister is afoot.

So, it's likely that within or the hype, the fear, the disinformation, there is clearly something befalling mankind that is very sinister and very scary. Is it exactly like so many say?? Probably.

And the question asked, 'Will the so called Sentient A.I life forms that are taking over mankind, succeed? Will 5G mark the end of mankind? Will this virtual reality be taken over by the predator consciousness that lurks on a parallel dimension?

Make up your own mind on this. Do your own research and truly see something is afoot ...