Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

There is one simple fact to know and to embrace when trying to maneuver through the mad world that is around us. And that fact is EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU IS A LIE.

Its all a great deception. Lies have created this great civilisation we find ourselves in; and lies keep this great lie going.

Its all a fantasy and an immense total fabrication. Human history. Space. The earth plane. The human form. Everything. Our perceptions have been shaped by lies over hundreds of years.

This reality is not actually a reality; not in the sense they have us believe. This is the biggest revelation. It's been said many times here ... this is a virtual reality that exists, and shaped by our perceptions.

But the lies go even deeper than that. The rabbit hole leads you to a realisation that virtually everything we are told and taught and mind controlled with ... are absolute lies ...