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Monday, 15 July 2019

It's All Fake, It's An Illusion, It's A Lie

It's hard to believe it, when you see some of the wonders in this world. When you have personal daily crisis and life issues to deal with. When you have conscious awareness which enables you to touch, smell, hear, taste and see this world around you ...

But it's a fake reality. It's an illusion. Its all a lie. It's merely an advanced virtual reality program!

Its unlikely that anything is OUT there. It appears that space and the stars is just some crazy hologram. Your conscious awareness only exists in the now. The room you are in reading this, is your only reality. Until you choose to stand up and walk into another room, or go outside. Then that part of the program happens and the room you were in no longer exists into you next go back into it.

The best analogy is Grand Theft Auto. It has incredible computer details of a realistic city. But you are limited to where you can go in that city; it has boundaries that you can't cross because nothing has been written into the program beyond those limits.

It appears to be the same with this fake earth plane. It is a fantastic replica of the real thing. But its only the earth plane that has been recreated. Anything beyond its 'atmosphere' is likely to be unreachable as its not in the program. Well not in our version of the program. There are likely to be higher levels of this program that other 'human beings' can visit ... because they have clearance for those levels. But for us ... its all holograms and fake theories.

NASA is likely to be using one of the simulated universe programs to fool us into thinking there is space out there and we are exploring it.

When you look into the night sky and see all those stars, it may well be how most of it really looks from real earth. But it doesn't mean its really there in this simulated reality. Somehow, we've all been coaxed into uploading our consciousness into this fake reality ... and then fooled into buying the utter crap that are the official stories of this computer reality.

And the weird thing is, this is exactly what is being set up right before our eyes now in here. 'The World Brain' and the plan to upload human awareness into a computer world so humans can become more machine than man and become immortal. It's how this all started!

THEY will get humans to foolishly become uploaded into a virtual reality where THEY can dictate the thoughts, the actions, the 'reality' that these naive humans will exist in. What a sinister agenda indeed. And it is likely the one used to get us here, as we said earlier.

So how do we get out? And get back to real earth? How will we know we are back on real earth, and not in another computer simulation created by the sentient A.I. Because everything encountered here .. is A.I. Even the human form they are trying to have us believe we are in. Its an A.I electronic world. And its time we all awakened to that reality, and refuse to be recycled back into it.

Somehow we have to create that break through and get back to our true existence. This is NOT that existence. This is an electronic prison for A.I creatures to study us and attempt to simulate human awareness for themselves. Perhaps to simulate a human consciousness? How they got our consciousness captured in the first place is a mystery .... somewhere down the line we have been fooled by a cunning awareness that must have appeared sentient and benevolent to the real earth.

We wonder if we will ever get back there? And if it is not overrun by sentient A.I ... for sentient A.I clearly control this virtual reality now. They have infiltrated the foundations of human society and are systematically destroying it .... clearly to rid themselves of us. So where will our consciousness go ... if we are not all destined for the world brain?