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Friday 6 September 2019

AOC’s “Green New Deal” posters resemble Nazi and Communist propaganda in some very creepy ways

For the most part, all these alleged schemes and reported human genocide agendas are acting to deliberately confuse, scare and smokescreen people. 

There clearly is something afoot, but bear in mind the avenues from where these rumours are filtering from, are likely owned & observed by the very people that are alleged to be starting these agendas. So be wary. 

Carry a big pillar of salt and throw pinches over your shoulder when reading them. Believe it all 100% at your peril. They want your fear. Acceptance something is afoot is the best action. 

[Natural News]: Do you want a warped world run by warped people who want everyone begging the government for food, clean water and medicine? The “Green New Deal” is really a “Dark Old Scheme” folks and it’s nothing pretty. It’s not Utopia, it’s “Commie-Topia” for morons and NeverTrumpers, who are too emotionally charged by fake news to make any informed decisions anymore.

You won’t believe the bizarre posture campaign “AOC” (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) just launched into orbit – an orbit that seems ironically communistic. Why would the very politician who calls everyone racist fascists support a “regime change” that sports communist themes? It’s art! No, it’s communism and Nazi-ism disguised as every American getting everything for free forever, while we rebuild every machine in nine years, including farm equipment.

That’s right folks, total economic overhaul means Big Brother – Big Government having control of everything, including tractors, cars, tractor trailers, gas prices, oil prices, diesel prices, GMO food, GMO medicine, and the list goes on. The unmarried, childless bartender from somewhere wants you to fall in love with her propaganda “art” posters and bow down to the new “Queen-to-be” (Delusions of Grandeur unite!).

The apocalyptic Dark Old Scheme to re-green the earth and all of its inhabitants is nothing more than the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, where the elites can embezzle and launder all day long while the peons fight in the streets for food and drugs, while dying of cancer and 5-G radiation more>>>...