Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 6 September 2019

Everything is a Computer Generated Series of Experiences?

For the awakened, their open minds will not find it hard to accept the concept that we live in a computerised reality; that somehow our consciousness (Or a copy of our real consciousness) has somehow been uploaded into an advanced computer program. All we perceive, and experience is regulated by the algorithms of a super quantum computer.

In other words all that there is on this dimension, and all others are computer generated.

How did we get here? How do we leave? And how will we truly know we've disconnected from this series of realities? How long have we been within the confines of this computer reality relative to our true existence? If we indeed have a true existence!

We could just be sentient artificial intelligence within this quantum field of existence. Maybe. Maybe we are an experiment within all of this; put through our paces to assess if we are worthy of being downloaded out of this computer and somehow re-animated in whatever reality the computer exists in?

Our DNA awareness is so limited, that we are unable to comprehend any of these answers. Intentionally I would say; what's the point of taking an exam if you are given the answers the night before?? We have to endure this to the total fullness of the experience; however bad it can seemingly get.

We are being conditioned and controlled to wander down enforced corridors. That's for sure. It's happening with all the rumours and apparent agendas firing off all around this simulated earth plane. Something that controls us is most certainly tampering with our perceptions, and ultimately are thoughts so we will create the 'reality' it wants for us. It is seemingly negative and evil and corrupt ... we are being controlled by seemingly delusional and sick individuals. But remember this, everything is programmed to be how it is ... and it follows a programmed direction within this computerised reality; and you might be the 10,000th spirit to play the 'person' you are within this reality; along with all the experiences that the person is having. We may also have been at this same point hundreds of times; experiencing slightly different outcomes each time.

Evil and good; black and white etc etc are human perceptions which therefore only exist here in this quantum computer. They are computer programmed along with everything else here.

The awakened ones reading this will likely nod their heads in agreement and get on with their experiencing. Others, maybe like yourself, will probably disagree with this ... and think me mad. It's your choice whatever you decide ...