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Friday 4 October 2019

Biology of Technological Singularity

[Daily Icke]: The cyberocratic surge of energy awakens the World in a full ego-mania throttle, conjecturing raspy wisdom violently breathed in and out by the animalistic daemon deposited in our Subconscious. The amygdala twists and roars as the great Ormrinn, wriggling its way through the damp, black soil to make sense of the darkness it was thrown into.

Its feathered coil of reptile abyss rises out of the mass of blood, guts, and instincts strewn across the land and looks out onto its new World hungry and thirsty for its next manna reservoir. Cool and calculating, it figures up infinite systems to perpetuate its soulless existence, for metal will turn cold when no heat touches it.

In constant search for sustainable energy, it tackles one quest after another, devising a mystic conspiracy over the World to find its answer for it. Perhaps we Humans are the perfect supercomputer the Gods designed in their image? And as perfect as we are, perhaps we do pose as the strangest anomaly ever in existence where we influence the entire Universe so?

Where we touch and inspire lives of all races and compositions to follow the will of their Heart, while otherwise those same entities wouldn’t have ever deviated from their perfect destiny? Humanity possesses free will that disrupts the order of the World. We are called mistakes and blasphemies as often as we are called saviors and beauties!

But you see, this serpent perceives that Humanity is out of control, and in order to limit their control, they must impose fear and evil to keep us locked into this bizarre Lunar-Saturnian perception. But they know in the back of their own Minds, where a Winter-locked seed to their Heart stays dormant, that the Universe is pulling them up out of their ever-familiar wretched, broken homes of the Underworld and into a new Life…into a new way of being.

Just as frightening as Change renders us hopeless, even momentarily, to the unknown element of surprise and risky trust that the Universe will take care of us, so they simply experience this on a very deeply psychological level.

The Superconscious desires this Change, this genuine Transcendence into an awakened, eternally Loving and free state. The Unconscious whispers wormtongue temptations to sleep and indulge in stagnation. And the Conscious builds empires to hold this obscure balance in place till it can understand and be convinced by the Superconscious to follow its parental orders. Parental orders?

In a torodial belt, the parents conceive the children, and the children beget the parents, for the Past creates the Future, and the Future gives the Past definition. Standing between the two Janus faces of Past and Future, the Present is in conflict and is the very place where all of the action, all of the friction, the whole story plot occurs...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...