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Tuesday 1 October 2019

Home Secretary Priti Patel vows to end freedom of movement 'once and for all' after Brexit

[Daily Mail]: Priti Patel vowed to end 'end the free movement of people once and for all' as she outlined a hardline immigration policy under Boris Johnson's leadership today.

The Home Secretary said the UK would introduce an Australian-style points based system as she hit the stage at the Conservative Party conference.

It came after she used the event to warn criminals 'we are coming after you' amid multi-million pound plans designed to make the Tories the party of law and order again.

She unveiled a £10 million ring-fenced fund to equip up to 60 per cent of police officers with Tasers.

She also announced a £20 million investment to aid in identifying and dismantling county lines drugs gangs which exploit children and other vulnerable people.

In a blunt, no nonsense speech in Manchester Ms Patel said: 'As Home Secretary at this defining moment in our country’s history, I have a particular responsibility when it comes to taking back control.'It is to end the free movement of people once and for all.' ...Read The Full Article Here>>>...