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Sunday 6 October 2019

Off script, climate hysteria child Greta Thunberg can barely answer basic questions or explain anything

[Natural News]: During a recent panel discussion on climate change that was held at the Headquarters of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Greta Thunberg was asked a question by a reporter about the “message” she hoped to send to President Trump, to which she was unable to offer a cogent response.

Apparently unprepared without her usual script, a confused Greta paused for a second, then asked the reporter to repeat the first question a second time. After he did, Greta proceeded to stumble and mumble for a few more seconds before finally saying something about how she’s “had enough,” followed by her passing the microphone off to somebody else.

“Anyone else want to answer that question?” Greta asked the rest of the panel after running out of uhs and ums to fill the void of her inability to come up with anything useful-sounding to say. “I can’t speak on behalf of everyone,” she then added, deflecting from being put on the spot.

One of the panel moderators is then heard whispering to the other panel members, all children, about any message they have for world leaders, to which all of them, including Greta, had absolutely nothing to say.

After these six children, including Greta, finished up looking around at each other with blank stares in total silence, another reporter proceeded to specifically ask Greta another question about how she feels President Trump should respond to her message, prompting her to respond:

“I think maybe you should give some questions to the others as well.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...