Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 4 January 2020

Insights into 2020

Day 4

Fires still rage in Australia, and are predicted to burn for several months yet. Sadly. Places we'd regularly visited whilst living in Australia - Bodalla, Bateman's Bay, Mogo, Narooma - are all badly affected by the bush fires.

There is more to come. Rare Australian animal/bird species are threatened with extinction, and the human death toll rises.

It is a desperately tragic reality for so many people in Australia, and around the world.

We keep our fingers crossed that the tiny amount of rain that has fallen in the last 36 hours is just the start of some heavy deluges that can aid the firefighters in ending the raging infernos.

Iran now flies red flags and swears bloody revenge on the United States. Things are beginning to escalate. Jezza Corbyn and his Marxist mob are all up in arms with a terrorist and cruel man being executed by the US. Yes, its wrong for the US to have done what they did, but there are now huge swathes of Iranians freed from his tyranny. It's no surprise really that Jezza is opposing the killing of a terrorist.

Here in the UK, we woke to the sad news that Celebrity Medium Derek Acorah passed away after a brief illness. He'd developed sepsis after having pneumonia. I never knew him personally, but knew through the psychic network he was a very genuine soul. RIP Derek. You do not deserve the ridicule and cynicism that quarters of the net have been expressing today.

Tonight's Daily Mail headline reads "Britain sends two warships to the Gulf to 'protect our ships and citizens' in the wake of assassination of Qassem Soleimani as protests break out across the world and Boris Johnson jets in to deal with Iran crisis".

The main page of the Daily Mail is littered with dozens of media stories concerning Iranian revenge etc etc etc. Well that is the MSM milking the situation.

On Twitter there is footage of Iranians and Iraqis celebrating in the streets that Soleimani has gone. Here in the UK, Iranian Moslems are voicing their displeasure ... hopefully this doesn't mean our crime rates are going to escalate ... or supposed acts of terrorism increase. It is a lit touch paper, and one that any deep state or hidden hand agency could exploit ... using Iranian revenge as the patsy cause.

This is only the 4th day into 2020 ... there are 361 days to go. What is the world going to look like this time next year??