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Monday 24 February 2020

Is the killer coronavirus now disease X? World Health Organization expert warns the infection is 'rapidly' fitting category for the mysterious pathogen scientists fear will kill 80million

[Daily Mail]: The coronavirus sweeping the planet could be the 'Disease X' which experts have warned about, according to a World Health Organization representative.

The name is given to a future, mysterious pathogen which could break out among humans and wreak havoc across the world.

SARS-CoV-2 has infected around 80,000 people in the two months since it emerged at an animal market in Wuhan, China in December.

It has killed more than 2,600 and can cause severe lung damage and trigger multiple organ failure, mainly among old or weak patients.

Dr Marion Koopmans, a virologist for the WHO, said: 'Whether it will be contained or not, this outbreak is rapidly becoming the first true pandemic challenge that fits the disease X category, listed to the WHO's priority list of diseases for which we need to prepare in our current globalized society.'

Her comments come less than six months after a report led by a former WHO official which warned a flu-like illness could kill up to 80million people if it broke out....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...