[Waking Times]: First of all, there are what’s called endogenous viruses.
They live in the human body and they watch television and they lie
around and don’t cause illness.
On sophisticated tests, they can show
up, and researchers will mistakenly assume they’re doing damage. They’re
doing nothing.
Then there are exogenous viruses. They
come in from the outside, enter the body, and look for cells in which
they can take up residence and multiply. The immune system notices, and
either ignores them as trifling or mounts a defense to defeat them.
These viruses can also show up on sophisticated tests. Researchers tend
to (falsely) believe the mere presence of the viruses signals trouble
This is a massive mistake. So-called viral infection,
if it means anything significant at all, amounts to much more than mere
presence. A few particles of virus showing up on a test says nothing
about actual illness. There must be millions and millions of a virus
actively replicating in the body to cause disease.
And even then, a healthy and strong immune system could ultimately defeat this bunch of little doofuses...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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