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Friday 17 April 2020

Covid-19 Insight #12

So much is currently banded about (Deliberately to create a smokescreen) what is behind Covid-19, whether it is a planned coup by the controlling 1% .. or it is a genuine world government response to a 'deadly' virus.

With the world wide web currently awash with horror stories of  a certain Bill Gates and his plans for mankind, it seemed right to look at this situation intuitively ...

So the question asked is 'Is the outcome of Covid-19 a mandatory vaccine and a digital immunity certificate?'

Spear Knight - hasty and impetuous champion; inspired companionship leads into exciting adventures; fearless of the unknown but hasty decisions are often risky; 5 - 11 September

Spear Nine - enduring strength; great reserves; obstinacy; defensiveness; wisdom to prepare against adversity; 15 - 21 August

The Green Knight - challenges; obstacles which must be overcome; self limitation; stagnation; creative possibilities

The Flowering of Logres - truimph; attainment; the new aeon; culmination

Having endeavoured to say what is revealed, and not what the ego wishes to be revealed ... it makes this particular insight that more difficult. The images here to indeed suggest the outcome is to be a mandatory vaccine and a digital immunity certificate.

The Flowering of Logres implies a new aeon or the 'new world order' and the words 'triumph' and 'attainment' seem to echo this as the end result. Which is not what mankind on the whole wants to hear.

Spear Knight appears to be none other than Bill Gates himself and his psychopathic desire to enforce his crazy eugenics program on mankind via vaccines. Spear Nine and The Green Knight does indicate mankind is going to oppose this agenda at every twist and turn. But Spear Nine does indicate 'great reserves' which means that this first wave of Covid-19 will not be the last; and there is likely to be far worse to come.

It's a very sinister and infinitely 'evil' agenda that appears to be unleashed on mankind in the years ahead. Not good to receive these insights, but there appears to be a sadistic and demonic intention to unleash wave after wave of biological horrors on mankind to see this agenda through! The Spear Knight and his band of demonised comrades appear to have anticipated mankind's resistance ... and are prepared to unleash hell itself to get their desired end result. Horrible insights tonight. Horrible visions too ...  I wish I'd not asked this damn question tonight.

BUT, nothing is ever written in stone ... there is a strong sense that this is what The Spear Knight and his band of demonised comrades WANT us to receive this kind of scary insight to instill fear and anxiety within our ranks. I'm certainly not fearful or anxious about it ... there seems to be something they are fearful of ... and there is haste in their actions for some reason.

All is not lost ... it should become apparent to more and more human beings over the coming months and indeed years. that these virus outbreaks are manufactured ... and many will see through the government's (Emperor's) new clothes and see the malevolence lurking in the shadows.