[Daily OM]: When we feel stuck in our lives it's
important to take stock of what is going on and find out if there is
something we are doing or not doing that is keeping us stuck. Sometimes
the situation is out of our control, and we need to look within to find
the patience required to wait with equanimity until things move forward
again. Many times, though, we can find the source of our stagnation in
our own hearts and minds. Sometimes we are clinging to old ideas about
reality and we need to make adjustments that will bring us back in tune
with life, so we can flow again. Sometimes we find that fear of change
is what's keeping us stuck, and we can resolve to find ways of facing
that fear.
If introspection does not provide the answers we need, it can sometimes
be helpful to ask those around you if they notice anything obvious that
you might not be able to see....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>....
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