Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 21 May 2020

How coronavirus hijacks human cells and takes over our genes then turns our immune system against us

 One way to reinforce fear is to constantly bombard the internet and the MSM with horrific accounts of how dangerous Covid-19 is ... to ensure civil conformity to your planned perception of the world, as trauma based reinforcement is a form of mind control and mental conditioning. 

The message being worked on the sub-conscious during this confusion stage is  .... ' Be fearful of Covid-19. Be fearful. Be very scared.'

Are you a participant in all of this? Thus permitting yourself to become fearful of a manufactured virus and an unwilling participant in a satanic ritual? 

Or are you merely an observer? Like a mountain goat watching from your hillside haven, see all the sheep being herded to their slaughter?

Only you can decide. 

[Daily Mail]: The novel coronavirus 'hijacks' our body's cells by blocking certain genes that fight against infections, a new study suggests.

Viruses, such as the flu, usually interfere with two sets of genes: one that prevents viruses from replicating and the other that sends immune cells to the infection site to kill viruses.

But researchers found SARS-CoV-2 behaves differently, inhibiting the genes that stop the virus from copying itself but allowing the genes that call for immune cells to behave normally.

This causes the virus to multiply and an overproduction of immune cells to flood the lungs and other organs, which leads to unmitigated inflammation.

Dr Benjamin tenOever, a virologist and professor of microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine, told that an infected cell has 'two jobs to do'.

'One job is to tell all the cells around you to fortify...and the second job is to recruit the more professional immune cells to that site of infection,' he said.

Typically, our body's cells have two groups of virus-fighting genes: interferons and chemokines.

Interferons are signaling proteins released by infected cells and are named for their prowess to 'interfere' with the virus's ability to multiply itself.

Chemokines are small molecules that call for immune cells to go the site of an infection so they can target and destroy the virus.

According to tenOever, the first set of genes control virus replication for about seven to 10 days so the second set has enough time to get immune cells to attack.

He refers to interferons as the 'call-to-arms' genes and to chemokines as the 'call-for-reinforcement' genes....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...