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Friday 1 May 2020

The “Death Science” Depopulation Trifecta … Biological weapons, vaccines and 5G, all aimed at humanity

Potential disinformation and scaremongery but it's posted here anyway ... sprinkle as much salt as you need ... this could be 100% correct or it could be agencies paid to instill yet more fear on mankind. We have our own views on all of this ... each spirit is witnessing this reality in its own unique way. 

Each spirit has a different reality to every other spirit ... and at the end of the day this all just experiences in an advanced quantum computer anyway. The elite are nothing more than manifestations of mankind's deepest fears. 

The ultimate fear is death. Their apparent actions are making everyone face the ultimate fear. Have no fear of death and they have no control over you. They are trying to force their huge fear of not surviving on to mankind. Don't let them. For it is they who are not meant to survive! For they are not spirit in our sense of the word ...

[Natural News]: The “death science trifecta” consists of the coronavirus (biological weapons), 5G towers (electromagnetic weapons) and vaccines (chemical weapons). In combination, they are designed to enslave and then exterminate most human beings living today.

That’s why there’s no real talk of restoring human freedom, or promoting pro-human free speech or even allowing anyone to advocate nutrition that can save lives. The globalists have zero interest in saving humanity… they are working to exterminate billions of human beings. And bioweapons, 5G and vaccines are the trifecta of mass death and tyranny that they’re using to accomplish their goal.

Globalists have decided they don’t need humans any longer, and their final act will be the global financial “reset” looting of all assets, combined with the global deployment of a vaccine euthanasia “kill switch” to cause billions of deaths. This is why they are now using armed government assault teams to raid and shut down anyone who promotes colloidal silver, vitamin C or chlorine dioxide, in order to eliminate any possibility of a nutrient or natural substance that might help protect the public from infections. They need to keep the path clear for vaccines to be the only “savior” of humanity. They can’t allow anything else to work first, you see. Vaccines must be the only option offered to the world.

That’s the only way they can achieve widespread compliance with the euthanasia kill shots. They have to label them “vaccines” and tell people if they don’t take the shot, they won’t be allowed to participate in society. Big Tech is all part of this war on humanity, of course, as they are blacklisting all individuals or websites that dare to promote immune boosting strategies that might help protect humanity from a worsening pandemic.

In essence, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Science have all become direct enemies of humanity, and they are engaged in a full-blown war on humanity, invoking (at least) three key weapons to destroy the human race: Biological weapons, electromagnetic weapons and chemical weapons....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...