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Tuesday 16 June 2020

CNN Spreads Deadly Lies About Vitamin D for COVID-19

[Mercola]: May 27, CNN published an article that could have deadly consequences if believed. It claims taking vitamin D supplements “can hurt a lot,” as “too much vitamin D can lead to a toxic buildup of calcium in your blood, causing confusion, disorientation and problems with heart rhythm, as well as bone pain, kidney damage and painful kidney stones.” CNN does not specify what “too much” vitamin D actually is.

Hypercalcemia (calcium buildup) is caused by insufficient vitamin K2 in relation to vitamin D, not vitamin D per se. Vitamin K2 deficiency is what causes “vitamin D toxicity” symptoms, but CNN does not explain this known fact.

Reviews of published trials have demonstrated there are no toxicity symptoms — including hypercalcemia — at dosages up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, even when used long-term
Case histories of patients with hypercalcemia and vitamin D toxicity reveal they were taking between 3.6 million IUs and 210 million IUs over the course of one to four months. That means taking 30,000 IUs of vitamin D per day for 120 days on the lowest end, or 7 million IUs a day for 30 days on the extreme upper end.

CNN also cites a British expert saying “there’s no evidence that very high vitamin D levels are protective against COVID-19.” This, despite several recent reports showing vitamin D levels appear to play an important role in your risk of testing positive for COVID-19, as well as your risk of severe infection and death...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...