Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 13 June 2020

Wanna go down an insane inter-dimensional rabbit hole?

[David Icke]: Ok so let’s jump into this inter-dimensional rabbit hole.

First let’s start with the ultimate claims of this rabbit hole so we know what we are diving into.

David Icke was the first person that I heard make the claim that the satanic pedophilies running the world are serving something immaterial or metaphysical. Icke claims that the immaterial god/beings that they serve feed off of dark energy which is most proficiently produced through negative human emotion.

Ok so ya whatever a lifetime conspiracy theorist makes some outlandish claims, what’s the big deal? However, I was still so goddamn curious as to why these powerful elite were so religious, like there can’t be nothing legitimate behind all these rituals, killings, symbolism etc. So even though I knew Icke’s claims sounded crazy they were the only ideas that seemed to offer a potential answer to my questions.

So I started looking deeper, started to look for other people making these claims. I specifically focused on whistleblowers because for something this sci-fi sounding I needed something legit. After hours of listening/reading various types of testimony against shadow governments and pedophilic elite I finally came across Ronald Bernard.

He was a higher up in the financial industry who most of you know from this viral video where he reveals inner illuminati-serving circles performing child sacrifice in the name of Lucifer. This video was a “part 1” of a five part confession by this man Ronald Bernard. I finally came across this video. Bingo. Not only does he state that there is an out-of-dimension force which is the source of this entire thing, but he explains that they are constantly feeding off of this dark energy to this day.

In this interview, Bernard expands on this idea greatly in-depth I highly recommend for anyone who is still taking me seriously at this point.

Ok so now that we understand the ultimate claim of this inter-dimensional rabbit hole, let’s try to back it up in with some reality.

A quote from: Bernard Carr is a professor of mathematics and astronomy at the Queen Mary University of London. He studied under Stephen Hawking and earned his doctorate at Cambridge.

Our consciousness interacts with another dimension. Our physical sensors only show us a 3-dimensional universe… What exists in the higher dimensions are entities we cannot touch with our physical sensors.’- Professor Bernard Carr

This CIA document goes in-depth into the idea that human beings are just a temporary ‘space suite’ for your consciousness and that we can interact with entities outside of our space-time dimension...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...