Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 20 September 2020

The power-mad clowns of the Johnson Junta want to TOTALLY suppress a coronavirus – which has never been achieved in history – Peter Hitchens

Except, if this 'virus' didn't exist in the first place, and it's devious manipulation of deaths from other causes, then it's VERY EASY to suppress a coronavarius ... because it is all an illusion.

They control the 'death figures' and the 'infection rates' and therefore are able to make them rise and fall at will. 

[David Icke]: Months ago, I predicted that we would all come to hate the narrow, bossed-about new life the Government wants to force us to live. I was wrong.

Most people have far too readily accepted limits to their lives which the world’s tyrannies would once have hesitated to impose on their citizens. Well, have you had enough yet? Because the Johnson Junta has only one tool in its box. That tool is restriction.

And it has only one aim, one that has never been achieved by any state in the history of the world – the total suppression of a coronavirus. Who would have thought that the rule of clowns would be so unfunny? But it now looks as if this will go on for ever, unless we can somehow lead these people away to secluded rest homes where kindly nurses can indulge their wild power-fantasies with soothing repetitions of ‘Yes, dear’, cold compresses and cups of Ovaltine. It is certainly increasingly dangerous for them to be out and about.

Take the Health Secretary, Mr Matthew Hancock. I know I have laughed at him in the past as a sort of crazy prep-school headmaster raging at his tiny pupils. But for goodness sake, the man is a Cabinet Minister, and he has real power over us.

He can smash up your business, make you stay at home, part you from your nearest and dearest at the ends of their lives, destroy your wedding plans, wreck your education, ruin your holiday, take away your job, set the police on you for refusing to wear a pro-Government badge across half your face. He can and he does....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...