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Monday 19 October 2020

The Old World Is Falling Away and Making Way for a New One

[Wake Up World]: It may seem like the world is a chaotic mess right now. However, maybe it’s good. It’s a good idea to remember the Chinese parable of the Old Man and the Horse. Something may appear at first to be terrible or catastrophic, yet it leads to something better. We are seeing this play out right now but on a grand scale. The old world, which didn’t work that well for anyone, is falling away. A new world is emerging to take its place.

You need not cry because something is over. Instead, you can smile because it happened. Let’s face it. The ‘system’ was dysfunctional at its core. Even the wealthiest beings in the world have to breathe the same polluted air everyone else does. Nobody is separate from a collective consciousness and self-contained ecosystem. 

From an expanded energetic perspective, when any one being suffers, all others suffer. The system that has been operating society for so long has finally buckled. It is no longer supported enough to keep running on fumes. It’s game over for that which was so grossly out of alignment when life, abundance, harmony, and coherence.

There is a bright future coming into focus. A new day is dawning. The darkest the night becomes is right before the dawn. It may seem like it’s hell on Earth, but that’s as much of an illusion as this holographic reality where matter itself doesn’t even exist. Ideas, memes, entities, and all the rest of it, are ultimately amorphous configurations of consciousness that can transform in an instant....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...