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Saturday 10 October 2020

What Will It Take For Masks And Face Shields To End?

There is NO Covid-19 and NO need for a vaccine. It's all a huge PSY-OPS operation by the ultra rich to enforce an un-necessary and killer vaccine onto us all. Nothing more. Nothing less. 

[Waking Times]: According to rotavirus vaccine developer Dr. Paul Offit, people will need to continue wearing masks and social distancing for “the next couple of years” even after a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available.

“People now see vaccines as a magic dust that’s about to be sprinkled over this country and make this all go away. It doesn’t work that way,” Offit told MarketWatch, September 21, 2020.

Offit, who sits on the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, said he’s wary of a COVID-19 vaccine that may be rushed to market under pressure from the government.

The U.S. Health and Human Services’ Operation Warp Speed has pledged to deliver 300 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2021, if not sooner. However, developing a safe and effective vaccine normally takes years and begins with animal studies.The COVID-19 vaccines are all being rushed straight into human clinical tests, forgoing lengthy animal trials altogether. Vaccine makers are also being shielded against liability if people are harmed by the experimental vaccines....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>