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Tuesday 17 November 2020

Another nurse suspended by Cult-controlled NHS after branding ‘Covid’ a ‘scamdemic’ and spreading conspiracy theory lies

We need hundreds more whistleblowers who are willing to lose their jobs, in order to expose the HUGE LIE and HUGE EVIL agenda that is in motion. It's only be revealing this to the public that it can eventually be ended.

[Natural News]: A NHS nurse has been suspended over social media rants spreading conspiracy theories on coronavirus.

Tracey McCallum faces losing her career of more than 20 years after spreading her own alternative “research” online – branding the corona outbreak a “scamdemic”.

The 45-year-old, who works for NHS24 at Crosshouse Hospital in Ayrshire, has supported conspiracy theories such as:

●claiming face masks are helping spread the virus

●openly slamming the new vaccine comparing it to “genocide”

●backing an anti-malaria drug taken by Donald Trump but dismissed by world health chiefs

●telling people vitamins and minerals can help tackle Covid.

Shocked colleagues reported McCallum, from Darvel, Ayrshire, to NHS bosses and a nursing watchdog after she spouted her controversial views in nursing Facebook groups.

She has now been suspended from her post and has been reported to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

One of her posts said: “NO PRIMARY CARE AT ALL. That will increase hospital admissions and deaths and keep this scamdemic going forever....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...