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Friday 20 November 2020

UK refuses to rule out mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for its citizens

Mandatory according to Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition - 'Containing a command; preceptive;
imperative; peremptory. A "mandatory" provision in the statute is one the omission to follow which renders the proceedings to which it relates void, while a "directory" provision is one the observance of which is not necessary to validity of the proceeding. One to whom a mandate is given; one who undertakes without compensation to perform certain duties. A mandate is a contract by which a lawful business is committed to the management of another, and by him
undertaken to be performed gratuitously

[Natural News]: The British government has refused to rule out mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for its citizens. U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on Nov. 16 that the government is not “proposing” mandatory jabs in case voluntary immunizations do not work in slowing down the spread of COVID-19. However, he went on to say that he has learned “not to rule things out,” adding that “we have to watch what happens and … make judgments accordingly.”

A government source appeared to back up Hancock’s remarks, telling The Daily Telegraph that “nothing could be ruled out” at the moment. Another government source told the Telegraph that while ministers were focused on encouraging voluntary vaccinations, mandatory inoculation would have to be considered if coronavirus infections and deaths remained high.

The second government source warned: “We have always operated on the basis of educating people about vaccines to ensure a system of informed content. If there was an effective vaccine, and because of low uptake – we [are] still seeing deaths in large numbers, then we would have to consider [mandatory vaccination].”

Currently, vaccines are not mandatory in the U.K. with the government allowing people to make their own informed decisions on the matter....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...