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Thursday 3 December 2020

The Original Pioneers of Mind Control on Why You Must Protect Your Mental Sovereignty Now

[Waking Times]: You don’t believe everything you see or hear in the media, do you? Good, because if you did believe it all you’d most likely end up on psychiatric meds.

You see, we live in a hyper-communicative environment, and we’re bombarded by an exceptional amount of messages and mediums practically every moment of everyday. There is an insane amount of information coming at you, and most of it is intended to influence your thoughts or beliefs in ways profitable to the messenger.

This is the essence of mind control: influence someone’s thoughts, and you influence their behavior.

Every bit of media that you allow to enter your consciousness influences your thoughts and/or beliefs in very real ways. If you let it, that is. But most of us consume media in a very passive state of consciousness. Either in the background while doing something else, or after a long day when the brain is exhausted and your will power has been sapped.

In this state, ideas and suggestions are absorbed by the subconscious mind where they go to work changing beliefs about the world and what you need in order to survive in it.

The key to maintaining sovereignty of your own mind is in being aware of just how real this impact is.

When you look back at the dawn of this era of mass communication, you find that as the technology of radio, television and film evolved, so did the scientific understanding of how these new mediums could be used to achieve the goals of those who create and distribute media for profit or propaganda.

The so-called father of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays ruminates in 1928 about the need to control the habits and behaviors of democratized citizens. He asserts this as a responsibility of those in power.

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” –Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda (1928)...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....