[Daily OM]: When we have created a sanctuary in
our home, it can be jarring to have the outside world come in. It is
easy to share our space with those we know well, but often strangers are
asked in as household help, contractors, or technicians that help us
make our homes more comfortable. Acquaintances of our spouses or
children also bring something new and different into our space. If we
resist their presence, treating it as an intrusion, we restrict the free
flow of energy and may miss the gift they bring. Instead, we can choose
to treat their energy as an exchange of gifts as well as an exercise in
Before their arrival, we can prepare by envisioning light surrounding
our bodies and radiating outward from the core of our homes. We may want
to create a calm and welcoming environment by playing meditation music
or lighting incense. We can remove tension for all involved by putting
away our valuables. Then when they arrive, we claim our boundaries by
guiding them through their visit--asking them to remove their shoes,
offering coasters or a place to set down tool boxes, and indicating by
example to speak softly or not use harsh language. If something still
causes stress, we can remember that what begins as an irritation to an
oyster becomes a pearl. After they depart, we can burn sage and clear
our space if we like but not without first finding the pearl....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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