[Collective Evolution]: We are living in a time in which the collective mind is opening and has opened itself to the possibility that “we are being visited and have been visited” (Lord Admiral Hill Norton) by beings from other worlds. This topic is no longer taboo, especially since the fact that the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) has been confirmed multiple times by many governments and agencies around the world, the latest example being the United States Navy and the Pentagon.
Although the collective mind is opening to the reality of unknown objects performing physics defying maneuvers thanks to radar tracking data, videos, pictures and witness testimony, as well as the extraterrestrial hypothesis, when it comes to actual stories that exist within the lore of this field it still seems quite unbelievable to many, and that’s very understandable....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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