Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 14 February 2021

Be Afraid: Is the Fear of Covid Making Us Sick and Crazy?


[SOTT]: Ever wonder how this covid pandemic is affecting your mental health? Not the virus, but the constant fear of the virus? 

Locking us in our homes, feeding constant fear of a lurking virus through the mainstream media, only seeing others outside your family with their faces half-covered, the zealously encouraged view that all your fellow humans are disease carrying death vectors - there is no question that this overreaction to an overhyped virus is taking its toll on our psychology.

But the thing is, having a less than stellar psychological framework has a direct effect on our physical health. The central nervous system is directly connected to the immune system, providing a suspected pathway to exist between thoughts and emotions directly affecting the robusticity of our immune response. In other words, negative thoughts and feelings can actually make us sick.

There's also the concept of the "nocebo effect," sometimes referred to as the evil twin of the placebo effect, which has been talked about in the literature since the 1960s'. It's the well documented phenomenon where someone's negative expectations can lead them to manifest negative symptoms, even if they're not exposed to the treatment (or the virus). You might be sick if you feel sick, but then again, it might be your head playing games with your body....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>