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Wednesday 3 February 2021

Covid-19 Is A Hoax. End Of Story

Too many people are being hoodwinked by this total HOAX. So many people that we would expect to know different. Intuitive people, people who claim to have powerful ESP abilities. If they DID, they would truly be clairvoyant and see through the brainwashing fog that has descended over so many human beings.

So many people are now SHIT SCARED over catching something with a 99%+ survival rate. Over 12 months ago, colds and sniffles would have meant they accepted they had a cold. Going to their GP would have been met with the response of 'you have a virus infection, go home and get plenty of rest.' People used handkerchiefs when they needed to sneeze or cough ... that had been their way of life for decades.

But not now. Lying and scaremongering MSM and governments have worked on them, waging a constant trauma based mind control system on them ... systematically turning them into HOMO SHEEPLES. Scared ex-humans who are petrified of everyone else ... especially those who have seen through the HOAX and don't wear a face nappy in public places.  

As Homo Sheeples they have been subliminally programmed not to see the obvious lies that stare them in the face, that the non-brainwashed humans can see so plainly. As Homo Sheeples they accept the need for lockdowns; for the destruction of world economies; for face nappy wearing and now having the dangerous 'vaccines' and take part in the most dangerous HUMAN TRIALS of an untested biological substance in human history. Yes ... HUMAN TRIALS ... of an untested and unapproved weapon ...!!

Most are now too far gone to ever see through the fog ... walking as they are into a tyrannical world where they are the vermin that a handful of seriously deranged entities wish to be rid of ... 

'Homo Sheepleness' is stage 1 of the trans-human experiment these seriously deranged entities have planned for those foolish enough to opt for the dreamer's path. The 2 part human trial which change those that survive into trans-humans. Their DNA changed forever. More fool them for not using their higher instincts to overcome the primal fear these evil ones are using against them.

Fear is the weaponry that is being used to forced humans enmasse to their graves ...

The brainwashing fog is an illusion, a fantasy, designed to create mayhem in the human societies. It is all lies ... all deception. Those, like us, who see through the fog clearly see the lies and the deceit. Fortunately, there are millions like us around the world. Hopefully, our truth vibration will influence thehuman collective mind enough to prevent utter destruction of the human race ... hopefully we will prevent what can clearly be seen to be happening. 

There is NO isolated virus known as Covid-19. All so called deaths are the Influenza and Pneumonia deaths that have somehow disappeared this year. Plus all the other deaths by other causes that the medical world now classify as Covid-19. 

This is a HOAX. End Of Story.