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Thursday 18 February 2021

INVESTIGATION: 110K Deaths? NHS Data shows only 3000 people have died of COVID-19

[The Daily Expose]: For eleven long months the people of the UK have been repeatedly ordered to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives. Lockdown after lockdown, tier after tier. Millions of lives have been put on hold, millions of others have been ruined. Millions of jobs have been lost, thousands of businesses are now closed forever. But a huge majority of the British people think it has been worth it due to the fear propaganda that has played on a 24/7 loop on their television screens, and headlined every newspaper over the past year.

Because the British public have been lead to believe that over one-hundred-thousand people have died of Covid-19, and they’ve been told that number would have been much higher if they had not complied with the destruction of the economy and decimation of their lives.

What we are about to reveal is shocking and saddening due to the fact so many people have been duped into isolating themselves inside the same four walls, and not seen any of their friends or family for nearly a year. A lot of you will have broken “the rules” and seen your friends and family, but believe us when we say that there are very many people who have refused to do so because the Government have said “it is not safe.”

We decided to put an end to the argument over Covid deaths once and for all and carried out an investigation of official NHS data, readily available to the public if they know how to find it. The problem being they probably don’t even know it’s there and it seems the ‘Mainstream Media’ don’t know either – or maybe they just refuse to report on it as it doesn’t fit the narrative of the authorities that are paying them millions of pounds in advertising revenue?

One-hundred-thousand Covid deaths? The Daily Expose investigated, and this is what we found…

We examined a document titled ‘COVID-19 total deaths – weekly summaries’ which can be found on the NHS England website here. We took a look at the most recent release that shows data up to and as of 4pm on the 3rd February 2021, and went straight to a section titled ‘Deaths by Condition’.

The table provides a breakdown of people who have died after receiving a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 and divides them into people who had a pre-existing condition and people who didn’t have a pre-existing condition. The table shows a total of 74,249 deaths have occurred up to 4pm on the 3rd February 2021. Now this isn’t the 100,00 plus that we’ve been told have occurred but this is because this data only covers England and only those who have died in hospital.

Now we’re hope you’re sat down whilst reading this because the numbers we’re about to reveal are shocking. Of the 74,249 deaths occurring in people who have tested positive for “Covid”, 71,138 died from pre-existing conditions. Only 3,111 died with no known pre-existing conditions.

What’s even more shocking about that is that this doesn’t mean the 3,111 who died with no known pre-existing conditions actually died of Covid-19. It just means they didn’t have any pre-existing conditions. This very small amount of people in the grand scheme of things could actually be even smaller, as it is entirely possible they still died of other causes, such as a bad car accident for instance. We cannot of course prove that but it is still entirely possible. But we can prove what some of the underlying pre-existing conditions were, as the NHS have told us....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....