We speak without purpose because we
are immersed in a culture that encourages us to speak loudly, to seek
more, to brand our lives, and to brandish our opinions like weapons. We
live in a social media era that values speed, competition, and instant
gratification. In the context of these cultural values, we require real
intentionality to become human beings who speak meaningful words. This
course offers practices that help us develop this consciousness around
our words.
There are also personal reasons for why we speak from impulse. For
example, family can hold enormous influence over how we speak to others
and ourselves. If we were raised in an environment where family members
spoke over one another, we may struggle with conscious listening. If we
were encouraged to remain silent, we may struggle with making our
purpose known. Our personal witness to the behaviors around words in our
childhood environments has the power to shape how we speak to ourselves
and others throughout our lives....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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Search A Light In The Darkness
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Speak with Purpose, Not Impulse
[Daily OM]: Speaking with Purpose, Not Impulse
means entering deeply into the root causes and motivations that cause us
to wield our words in impulsive, hurtful, and even destructive ways. It
is the practice of bringing kinder and more conscious intention not
only to the ways in which we interact with others but to ourselves too.
So many of us do our best to speak meaningfully to others, but we fail
to show this kindness and intentionality to ourselves, instead speaking
critical and reactive words. Speaking with purpose means diving into our
beings, locating the harsh words that reside there, and approaching
them with a spirit of curiosity and compassion. It is about speaking
with a desire to bring meaning to our speech and to serve others with
our words.