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Saturday 13 February 2021

Technocracy’s Plan For The World Excludes The Existence Of America

[David Icke]: Two things occurred this week that should have your attention.

And, no, one of them is not the cartoonish second impeachment trial of a former president. Don’t let the media lure you into this drama. As the first two days of the trial proved, this is nothing more than emotion-driven theatrics.

Democrats are notorious for murdering the facts and appealing to people’s base emotions, and this trial is more of the same. Its purpose has little to do with the former president and everything to do with you, Mr. and Mrs. Conservative American.

If they can criminalize the former president, or at the very least tarnish his reputation beyond repair, they will use that to criminalize and/or tarnish those who supported his America-first policies. That’s what they’re really after, so don’t let them get into your head. Call it what it is, openly and boldly. Dramatic theater meant to sway the ignorant and uninformed.

The ignorant will be ignorant. Let them go.

While millions are immersed in that sideshow, the globalist elites at the Davos-based World Economic Forum and their comrades at the United Nations, the IMF, E.U., the British Royal Family and the Vatican are scheming behind closed doors with China and China’s new puppet regime in Washington on how to implement their reset of the global economy.

The “Great Reset,” as they have branded it, is really about the destruction of the American middle class. They want to make everything more expensive, from the fuel that powers your automobile and the trucks that haul your food, to utility rates and all manufactured goods. Food prices are sensitive to fuel prices and so you can count on your food bill rising with the rest of the items you need to survive....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...