Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 8 February 2021

The Indivisibility of Life

[David Icke]: ‘Know Thyself’

On a tombstone in an English churchyard is the following inscription “Here lies John Bailey. The fact that he died does not guarantee that he lived”. 

And that is surely the point. ‘To Live’ is the dynamic expression of existence; not being stuck in some soulless routine permanently in fear of stepping out of line with a sterile status quo. 

The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings. It is our deepest self expression of an organic sense of purpose. The will to live is expressed through the flow of that warm inner feeling called ‘love of life’. 

When, within the human experience, attempts are made to block this flow by forces opposed to Life, our ‘love of life’ causes us to adopt an unwavering commitment to fight for the preservation of all that is good, real and humane. In other words, to defend the basic tenets of a civilised society.

Many actively engaged individuals find themselves in this position today.

But why such a high proportion of humanity fails to respond to this ‘Life-call’, preferring instead a ‘no risk’ three dimensional sub-existence – is an unsolved conundrum – in spite of thousands of divergent explanations being put forward.

However, one thing we do know is that when some form of material wealth or power is experienced by those who have sidelined their innate spirituality, it becomes an addiction around which a fixated dependency immediately forms. From there on, such individuals only experience existence as a sterile ambition-chasing game. 

In these circumstances, Life becomes reduced to a competition to build and protect material wealth and status; and all those who reject such extremity – but nevertheless remain essentially passive – serve as fuel for the ambitions of these vampires.

The present pyramid of top-down economic and political oppression is built upon this catastrophic deviation from the organic, spirit led, path of Life.

The net result of this deviation from truth is the manifestation of a compensatory expression of the suppressed life-force. The original expression, blocked from following its organic path, turns in on itself and starts to devour that which would otherwise have guided the individual to the light. 

Whereas, to openly give free voice to that Divine source of which we are all descendants, is the supreme individual expression of the life force with which we have all been blessed.

We are living through a time of open manifestation of the domineering anti-life materialistic obsession, stripped of all spiritual energy. What we are seeing on a daily basis today, emanating from the top end of the ‘competition pyramid’, is a ‘pandemic’. But it has nothing to do with a virus and everything to do with a feverish grasping for ultimate power and control over others – which includes all life forms down to the very DNA of life itself....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...