Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 22 March 2021

Brilliant exposé of professional censor Imran Ahmed, his system-serving Center for Countering Digital Hate and the vast transatlantic network of censorship and billionaires into which he and it connects.

[David Icke]: The Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) who, in accordance with the Commission on Countering Extremism definition, can be described as hateful extremists. In particular, we looked at their recent attack upon people who express some doubts about vaccines. It appears the CCDH are working with others to establish the censorship grid at the heart of an emerging Technofascist State.

The CCDH are a small organisation, employing no more than two people, who have been given disproportionate power and influence. They appear to comprise of one CEO, one b-list celebrity (as patron) and six board members. They state on their website that their small budget is funded by unnamed philanthropic trusts and members of the public.

The CCDH links to the parliamentary Labour Party are considerable. They appear to benefit from a revolving door between them and the UK parliament. Recently, former CCDH board member and founder Morgan McSweeney left to become Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s Chief of Staff. Keir Starmer is the only parliamentarian who is also a serving member of the Trilateral Commission....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...