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Wednesday, 17 March 2021

The Cure for Fear and Key to Freedom in 2021

[Wake Up World]: Nature is a power wilder and more destructive than anything we could ever conjure up as humans. She is greater than any virus, greater than any vaccine, she is the force beyond time sweeping over the Earth as we cycle endlessly through the panic and security of the illusions we create that we are controlling any of it. She is the eternal force that remains standing through the crumbling of old and rebirth of new civilizations. When immersed within nature, you connect with a space outside of time, which brings you out of your mind into the eternal present where fear simply cannot exist. Her sheer magnitude overtakes any sense you have of your own control over life – and that surrender is an awakening into pure freedom and bliss.

When we live away from nature, we begin creating prisons in our mind to protect ourselves from the unknown. We start to think that we need to control the world somehow, rather than trust in its ever-unfolding process that is greater than we are.

It is ecstatic to realize in Nature that you do not need to live in fear of losing your control in the world – because it’s impossible anyway. Any semblance of control we have in the world is a complete illusion. Nature brings us back to the source of our life within, which was an unbelievable miracle to begin with. Spending time here, away from cities, you remember what an unfathomably precious gift it is to even be alive and conscious. You start to awaken to the miracle of your own existence, and surrender to the fact that it can go at any moment.

With this realization, you suddenly begin to think and feel in new ways about this life you’re so desperate to protect with masks and vaccines. You start to realize that every day is a miraculous gift, and there is nothing to “wait for” because this miracle is happening now. You start to understand the urgency of living life fully in each moment, and the ridiculousness of waiting for some “normalcy” to return to the world, before you can enjoy your life again. Of course you want to protect your life and stay healthy – and you do so not from a place of fear, but from a deep reverence and gratitude for living....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...