Though fear is literally an evolutionary gift meant to sharpen your senses and energize you during times of great stress, it can nonetheless become a barrier that prevents you from fulfilling your potential by causing you to miss out on rewarding, life-changing experiences.
the period before you face your fear, you may have to deal with a
barrage of negative thoughts and emotions. Walking through it, whether
your fear is public speaking, taking part in an activity that makes you
nervous, or asserting yourself when the odds are against you, may be
equally as difficult. But once you have emerged unscathed on the other
side, which you will, you will likely wonder why you assumed the worst
in the first place. As you spend time worrying about what might happen,
it's good to know that your fear probably won't happen at all. It may
feel like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders, and you
will likely feel a sense of passionate pride. Walking through your fear
can mean taking risks and can require both practice and patience. Since
it is challenging to act when you are gripped with fear, start small. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...