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Sunday 4 April 2021

Harvard Medical Prof & Vaccine Expert Explains: COVID Shot Isn’t Necessary For Many

[Collective Evolution]: Harvard Medical Professor & vaccine safety expert explains why he believes the covid vaccine is not necessary for most people as well as children. 

Are vaccines really as safe and effective as they are marketed to be? 

Martin Kulldorff is a “pro vaccine” Harvard medical professor and scientist who has experienced something many of his colleagues have during this pandemic, censorship and ridicule. It’s something he’s never experienced, especially given the fact that he is a renowned expert in his field, but covid has unleashed a large attack on scientists, doctors and journalists who present information, data, science, or even an opinion that calls into question the claims of governments and the measures they are and have been taking in an attempt to stop the spread of covid. 

There is a lot of science and data showing that lockdowns, for example, do nothing to stop the spread of covid and have/will kill more people than the virus itself, as well as cause many other problems that go even beyond health. There are multiple dozens of these studies that have now been published....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....