Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 19 April 2021

‘Kracking The Covid Ghost Code’ – Mankind’s Great Self Inflicted Initiation

[Waking Times]: “Energy has to go somewhere. If it is blocked from following its natural path, it must manifest as a distortion”

The Reason why so many are suffering under the totalitarian imposition of Covid lockdown rules, is because they subconsciously fear the fight for freedom and justice more than they fear serfdom, injury and even death at the hands of a dictatorship operating under the pseudonym ‘government.’

This was already perceived by Albert Einstein who reputedly said “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

To look on and do nothing, except tremble, is what is leading this sickness called ‘Covid’ to manifest. It is a cellular expression of a lack of resistance to lies and a lack of appetite for truth.

It is an initiation by fire to live by a different set of values than those that have led to the crisis humanity finds itself in today.

The great majority of those at the receiving end of this great global lie called ‘a pandemic’ cannot distinguish fiction from fact, phantom from reality. The deliberate introduction of chaos and confusion is carefully mingled with earnest sounding political calls to “be responsible, get yourself vaccinated” a call then regurgitated by herds of hypnotised ‘believers’.

In an era when television is a digitalised opiate and ‘the news’ is 100% controlled propaganda, millions upon millions are being drawn into a suicidal dependency on quasi-political ‘authorities’ whose scripted words and instructions constitute the poisoned arrows of genocide.

This is not a film. We are already in a pre-planned real time scenario initiated by a small cabal with the intention of reducing the world population by 75 to 90% and, in the process, stealing all possessions in private ownership and using weaponised EMF technologies to create a 24/7 surveillance and mind control state. If there is one outstanding element that runs through all aspects of this control agenda, it is the dark intent. This is a satanic operation...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...