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Sunday, 16 May 2021

Go out and ABUSE people who aren’t wearing a Covid mask – that’s the message from China Joe’s “science” regime

[Natural News]: In a recent tweet, senile Joe “China” Biden wrote: “If you see someone in a mask, “please treat them with kindness and respect.” Meaning if you see anyone without a mask, do not treat them with kindness or respect. In fact, that probably means they voted for Trump, so you should then go full ‘Mad-Max’ on them and “form a crowd and push back on them,” and “let them know they are not welcome here.”

Most conservatives know by now that the pandemic was a scam to cast a hundred million “mail in” ballots that were all made in China and used for Joe Biden only. That’s why the mask is a scam too. A control scam. That’s why, according to the China Joe Regime, the “rule is simple, get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.”

Remember, Joe is the one who said before the election that if you vote for him all the violence would stop. Did he mean chemical violence, as in vaccine violence? Because none of the violence has even slowed down, in libtard metro cities especially. In fact, the White House is pushing for more violence from all the vaccinated people. They are all being trained right now like rabid attack dogs.

It’s all propaganda folks, including the China virus plandemic, the gas shortage, the wood shortage, the food shortage, the toilet paper shortage, and Jussie Smollet’s staged attack. Smoke and mirrors. It’s all setting up for turning America into a communist, desolate hell-hole....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...