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Tuesday 1 June 2021

How Paradigms Shift

[Wake Up World]: Here in 2021, we can all look around us and agree that things could be better. No matter what your beliefs about how society should look, we can all feel the pain that comes from living in the current paradigm. Since we deeply feel that everything could be so much better than it is, how do we shift into a better paradigm?

To answer that question, we first need to understand how a paradigm doesn’t shift. Changes of paradigms never happen because the masses convince holders and reinforcers of old paradigms to give them up. They never get given up; they just become irrelevant.

This is important to understand because there is still an underlying assumption by the majority of people that to see meaningful change in society, you need to go head-to-head with the old paradigm. This resistance energy is not a creative energy but a warring one. When you’re playing in the third dimension, you are going up against players who know every trick in the book and will beat you any day of the week at the game.

Protests, boycotts, and other resistance strategies don’t work in the way they are intended to. Even if there is momentary change, or at least the appearance of it, this is another clever trick used to fool people into believing ineffective warring consciousness actually works. It doesn’t lead to a better future. You can simply look to the examples in both older and recent history to see this is true.

The French Revolution ended up with France becoming plagued with extreme violence and a return of even greater authoritarianism for another 100 years. The Arab Spring in 2011 led to a counter-revolution that led to numerous counties in the Middle East descending into civil wars and failed states. Since Occupy Wall Street, the 1% has only become even more powerful and wealthy. Going into war mode won’t lead to the bright future you may believe it will...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...