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Thursday 3 June 2021

How Technocracy Is Using Unseen Enemies To Panic The World

[Waking Times]: We live in an age of global deception and delusion of Biblical proportions. Lying is a way of life. Deceiving is taken to the level of an art form. Debauchery and corruption are everywhere.

The slick propaganda that promises to eliminate poverty, create wonderful jobs with dignity and bring lasting peace to the world has more in common with a pile of horse manure than lasting solutions.

I stated in early 2020 that the Great Panic of 2020 (read, “pandemic”) was the start of Technocracy’s coup d’état. It was global in scope, horribly damaging to the global economy and ripped the fabric of societal status quo to shreds. All of this was supposedly caused by an unseen enemy. And now, the “scientists” behind it, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, are proven to be frauds and hucksters whose science has been discredited as “pseudo-science” at best.

May I remind you that global warming is also an unseen enemy of the same magnitude? The corrupt and bastardized data supporting global warming is as fraudulent and deceptive as that of COVID-19. Lies abound. Fabricated computer models spit out megatons of buffalo chips to tell us we are all going to die when the polar ice caps melt and the seas rise.

I have also warned that there will be other attacks of deception to solidify the global Technocrat takeover.

The Technocrats are delivering.

Now let’s bring up UFOs. All of a sudden, talk about UFOs is everywhere. The propaganda machines are in full swing as the government and military release tapes, recordings and documents that suggest aliens have arrived on planet earth. Can they produce one spaceship or one alien body? Nope. How about a clear picture or photograph? Nada. It is just another invisible enemy being conjured up to stoke a socially engineered response in world-wide populations. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...