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Friday 18 June 2021

Medical establishment attempts to MEMORY HOLE “natural immunity” while post-vaccine outbreaks strike cruise lines and hundreds of doctors

[Natural News]: In the latest insane push for vaccine fanaticism at the expense of legitimate science, the medical establishment is now trying to memory hole any mention of “natural immunity” in previous pandemics, hoping that humanity will forget about the very existence of the human immune system. The only route to immunity, according to corrupt, quack science “officials” like those from the CDC, FDA and WHO, is to receive a vaccine injection. Thus, natural antibodies don’t count, they claim.

The concept of “vaccine passports” is also threatened by natural immunity, since those who developed their own antibodies in response to pathogen exposure shouldn’t need a vaccine passport, nor be required to participate in such a passport scheme. The existence of natural antibodies, by itself, is the only immunity needed. Yet the vaccine zealots (and their complicit bureaucrats and regulators) now pretend natural immunity doesn’t exist, demanding everyone be vaccinated....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...