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Friday 18 June 2021

Scientist: “Herd Immunity Impossible Until We Vaccinate Children”

 It's not about immunisation of children. It's all about STERILISATION OF CHILDREN has always been about reducing the human population

[Richie Allen]: An Israeli scientist has claimed that herd immunity from Covid-19 is impossible unless children are vaccinated. Dr Asher Salmon, the Deputy Director General at the Israeli health ministry, was speaking to the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

He was asked if an effective herd immunity is impossible without vaccinating children. He replied:

“We believe so. Nobody really know what is the exact line of herd immunity regarding Covid-19. We don’t even know if we could use a term of herd immunity, but under effective level, it seems that we need to vaccinate more than 70 percent of our population to reach this elusive line, and to do so we need our kids to be vaccinated.”

The BBC reported yesterday, that it was told a decision to vaccinate children between the ages of 12 and 17 is not imminent. The BBC claimed that certain groups of children may still be offered a Covid jab, but not all.

A statement from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is due in the coming days.

The JCVI will of course recommend that children are jabbed. That recommendation may not come next week or next month, but it will happen this year, most likely towards the end of Summer.

Children rarely contract covid. When they do get it, deaths are extremely rare and have only occurred in children with severe underlying and life-limiting conditions. There is no benefit to any child in receiving a covid jab.

But the JCVI will claim that kids should be jabbed in the interest of pubic health and protecting the vulnerable. This is junk science. I hope that parents understand this. I’m sharing all that I know about these experimental gene therapy drugs, with every parent I know.

Incidentally, University College London scientists told us two months ago, that UK has already achieved herd immunity against covid-19.