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Monday 19 July 2021

Government: “Vaccine Passports Could Be Used In The Workplace”

The Delta variant is supposedly 'raging' ... BOLLOCKS! They've cranked up the amplification of the 'not fit for purpose' PCR tests to make it appear there are tens of thousands of positives. FALSE POSITIVES ONLY. 

And a positive test IS NOT A CASE. It is all a lie. Every bit of it.  

It's the same as the way they turned down the amplification of the PCR test to make it appear the vaccine was working. A LIE. AN EVIL PSYCHOTIC LIE.

[Richie Allen]: In a press release last night, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) hinted that vaccine passports could be used to help people return to the office.

The press release stated:

As many as 10.4 million people have now signed up to the NHS App, with over 6 million new users since the COVID-19 vaccination status service was added on 17 May.

The app’s COVID-19 vaccine status service allows users easily to show their proof of vaccine, which will help people to travel abroad, start returning to workplaces and attend largescale events as we cautiously proceed with the roadmap

When asked by The Telegraph newspaper to clarify if they were actively encouraging businesses to ask their employees for proof that they have been jabbed, the DHSC insisted that it did not have plans to actively encourage workplaces to use Covid passports.

It’s in the press release. It’s stated clearly. They’re lying. What else is new?

Today is Freedom Day, allegedly. The vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi is doing the media rounds this morning. His message is blunt. People should continue to wear masks, maintain social distancing, get their jabs and be very very careful because the Delta variant is raging.

He’s lying too. There is no Delta variant. Cases are not rising. Hospitals are no more busy this Summer than any other Summer in living memory. I’ve looked at the data. It’s there for all to see.

Later today, the government will announce whether or not children aged 12 and over should be jabbed. Some government sources have told the media that they will announce plans to jab vulnerable children only.

Other sources are saying that the recommendation will be that every child over 12 should be injected. Whether or not they add children to the schedule today is irrelevant. They’ve got lots of jabs in the pipeline and plenty for the kids.

This Autumn, they plan to roll out the biggest flu vaccine programme in history. They plan to jab everybody, including children aged 2 and over. We really are here now.