[Richie Allen]: Yesterday, after much hand-wringing and procrastination, the government finally delivered advice to businesses on how they should operate beyond July 19th, Freedom Day.
It was pretty much what we expected. Businesses will be encouraged to ask customers to see covid passports before serving them. It had been reported, that the passport scheme would only be used for nightclubs or venues with large crowds.
Not so. This government would prefer that every business in the country uses vaccine passports as a condition of entry. Boris Johnson said yesterday that firms should show “social responsibility” and make use of the NHS Covid pass (a phone app), which shows proof of double vaccination, a recent negative test or natural immunity, as a means of entry.
Writing in The Telegraph today, Douglas Murray pulls no punches: The creation of “vaccine certification” means that we now face the prospect of having our papers demanded not just if we dare to think about leaving the country for some reason, but if we just want to go to almost any public gathering.
Only by proving that you have had the vaccine or a recent negative test will you be allowed to take part in activities which we didn’t even question as among our rights before 2020.
We live in a world where we have volunteered to have ourselves monitored by private companies and corporations. But still there is something sinister about the speed with which we are rushing into an existence where the Government can restrict our activities to such an alarming extent.
We are walking into a state in which the Government has a permanent mechanism of control of the populace. Where instead of asking “Who are you?” of anyone in authority we turn instead into supplicants asking, “May we?”
Everywhere I look I see compliance. No, scratch that. I see eager compliance. I see people wearing masks outdoors, while alone in cars, while cycling and this morning for the first time, I saw a guy wearing one while running.
Friends of mine whose children are of university age have been telling me that despite being warned against it, their kids have had the jab. Holidays and music festivals are the common denominator it seems.
Whoever or whatever is behind this diabolical agenda, couldn’t care less about 46 year-old bald gammon’s like me and whether or not I comply. It’s the young they’re after.
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