[Waking Times]: Alchemy is the art of transformation. Self-inflicted alchemy is the art of transforming self-preservation (lead) into self-overcoming (gold). It’s “inflicted” because the process is uncomfortable at first. One must leave one’s comfort zone to grow. One must take an independent leap of courage out of a codependent state in order to understand that one’s true essence is an interdependent state in interconnectedness with all things.
In order to become comfortable with self-improvement one must first be uncomfortable with the initial growth. Eventually, the next-level technique of existential masochism can be used, and the discomfort will be instantly reconciled into comfort. But first, self-inflicted alchemy is necessary.
You can call it shock value, a wake-up call, ruthless initiation, or vigilant vicissitude, either way it is self-inflicted when used as a tool toward leveraging a leap of courage. And it is alchemical when a thesis of self and an antithesis of self are separated and then integrated into a more robust, more resilient, more antifragile synthesis of self.
As such, self-inflicted alchemy can be broken down into three key transformations (or praxis): separating healthy from unhealthy, separating rigidity from resilience, and separating uncertainty from certainty. Let’s break it down…<<<Read More>>>...
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